Solid Waste & Recycling Committee

The Town Council activated the Solid Waste and Recycling Committee to assist with public outreach to include updates on what can and cannot be recycled, changes at the transfer station, and information why it is important to use the burn pile, demolition and metal containers and recycling bins correctly. The Committee will also research best practices, monitor legislation, and report recommendations to the Town Council. The Committee is composed of three to five members. If you are interested in serving the Town in this way please send an email to the Town Manager. 

The Solid Waste and Recycling Committee has 4 members: 

Alan Cohen - Chair
Nancy Gause - Vice Chair
Mary Anne Royal - Secretary
Joe Parise

Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:00 at the Town Office. The public is welcome to attend and participate. Agendas can be requested from the Secretary at,